Contact Today: 401-467-6800

RI Bankruptcy Lawyer’s Top 10 Documents

Are you drowning in debt?  Do you rely on credit cards for daily living expenses?  Are you wondering whether bankruptcy can help?     If so, I offer a free 30 minute phone consultation to Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents who want to explore options.  Ask me any question you want because there is no charge for the telephone consult.

After I understand your situation, you can decide if an appointment would be helpful to begin the debt-relief process.  I will then need to review a number of important documents.  Here are the top 10 documents you should gather for our first meeting.

  1. Federal Income Tax returns for the prior two years;
  2. Bank account statements (personal and business) for the past year;
  3. Pay advice statements (pay-stubs) for the past six (6) months, including spouse;
  4. All bills, invoices, credit card statements, loan statements, mortgage statements for which you are personally liable, including business debts where you have signed a personal guaranty;
  5. All collection letters, copies of lawsuits, complaints, attorney notices, etc for all debts;
  6. Recent credit report.  Go to to obtain a free copy;
  7. If you own real estate – copy of deeds, and any mortgages, liens, etc.
  8. If divorced, a copy of the divorce decree, any order regarding property settlements within the past three (3) years, and alimony or child support orders in effect or amendments thereto;
  9. A photo copy of your driver’s license;
  10. A photo copy of your social security card

Some documents may be difficult to gather in an emergency.  If you are facing lawsuits, including wage attachment and foreclosure, time may be limited.  Call me immediately at 467-6800 and we can concentrate on the documents most important to your case.

About Mark Buckley

Consumer Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, and debt-settlement attorney licensed in RI & MA. I am the only bankruptcy lawyer who is a certified financial planner professional. 

To plan your estate, or resolve debt concerns, call me at (401) 467-6800.