Contact Today: 401-467-6800

Help With Judgments

It was never a matter of “not wanting to pay”, but rather an “inability to pay.” Between a poor economy and an already tight budget, you doubt whether you could pay this debt back in a lifetime. You’ve explained your situation many times, but the creditor isn’t interested in working with you. It doesn’t take long before you’re sued and the creditor gets a judgment against you and your property.

If you are dealing with judgments, the Law Offices of Mark Buckley can give you straight answers to tough questions. He can begin the process of getting that “monkey off your back” on the first visit!

About Mark Buckley

Consumer Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, and debt-settlement attorney licensed in RI & MA. I am the only bankruptcy lawyer who is a certified financial planner professional. 

To plan your estate, or resolve debt concerns, call me at (401) 467-6800.