Contact Today: 401-467-6800

Help With Taxes

The IRS is ramping up their back-tax collection efforts. “Revenue Officers” are a new tool employed to go after you. They often get you to reveal personal information to make it easier to take over your bank account, attach your wages, or put liens on your property. They don’t care about you, your family budget, or what you can afford; they want payment now.

The costliest mistake you can make is dealing with the IRS without proper counsel. You do have options. It may be possible to stop wage attachments, remove tax liens, offer a compromise, or prepare a workable installment plan.

If you are feeling squeezed by overdue taxes, Attorney Mark Buckley can help.

About Mark Buckley

Consumer Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, and debt-settlement attorney licensed in RI & MA. I am the only bankruptcy lawyer who is a certified financial planner professional. 

To plan your estate, or resolve debt concerns, call me at (401) 467-6800.