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10 Benefits of Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy is a significant decision that can have far-reaching effects. For many struggling with overwhelming debt, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers a fresh start and a path to financial stability. As a Rhode Island consumer bankruptcy lawyer, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that Chapter 7 bankruptcy can have on clients’ lives. This […]

Pros and Cons to Consider Before a Providence Bankruptcy Filing

When is a Providence bankruptcy filing the right choice for your debt problems?  For each person, the answer is different. Some debtors are so overwhelmed with credit card debt, it affects their health. Others experience strained family relationships, or difficulty concentrating at the workplace. They feel as though they were treading water in the middle […]

Rhode Island Bankruptcy Debtors Catch a Break

Twice a year, the US Census Bureau and the IRS provide data used by bankruptcy lawyers to determine who qualifies for debt relief.  On May, 1, 2012, the new income numbers became effective for all new bankruptcy case filings.  The good news is that median income figures rose for all household sizes in Rhode Island. Below […]

The Truth About the Mortgage Modification Process

Mortgage modification works for a small minority, while the majority of homeowner’s who apply under HAMP end up being disappointed. The larger question is whether it makes sense to keep a house that consumes too much of your disposable income. For many, surrendering the house and discharging the debt in bankruptcy is an option worth considering.

RI Bankruptcy Advice: Tell the Truth

Your Duties to Disclose During Bankruptcy A successful Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires honesty in order to work. When filing for bankruptcy in Rhode Island (or any state for that matter), honesty is not just necessary: it is mandatory. Anyone filing for bankruptcy should know that they are expected—required, rather—to act in good faith and be completely […]