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10 Benefits of Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy is a significant decision that can have far-reaching effects. For many struggling with overwhelming debt, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers a fresh start and a path to financial stability. As a Rhode Island consumer bankruptcy lawyer, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that Chapter 7 bankruptcy can have on clients’ lives. This […]

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing in Rhode Island: How Long Will It Take?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filings take how long to complete in Rhode Island? Let’s pretend you filed a Rhode Island Chapter 7 bankruptcy case today. If you did, your case would come to an end in about 90 days. What happens during that time? Let’s examine a typical Chapter 7 filing in RI: You complete your first […]

RI Bankruptcy Means Test

Since 2005, the bankruptcy “Means Test” has been used to determine who qualifies for  Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief here in Rhode Island.  It acts as a “gatekeeper”.  The Means Test attempts to measure the cost of living in Rhode Island and how your gross income compares to that of other families of the same size. The test […]