Do Chapter 7 Debtors Have to go to RI Bankruptcy Court?
In most cases, debtors who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Rhode Island, do not have to go the RI Bankruptcy Court. Instead, they attend a brief hearing known as a Section 341 meeting of creditors that typically lasts less than 5 minutes.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing in Rhode Island: How Long Will It Take?
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy filings take how long to complete in Rhode Island? Let’s pretend you filed a Rhode Island Chapter 7 bankruptcy case today. If you did, your case would come to an end in about 90 days. What happens during that time? Let’s examine a typical Chapter 7 filing in RI: You complete your first […]
14 Lies About Bankruptcy
RI Bankruptcy lawyer separates fact from fiction concerning filing bankrupty. Those struggling with unpayable debt should learn more about bankruptcy relief.
Rhode Island Bankruptcy Law: Myths vs Reality
RI bankruptcy laws protect property and restore order to financial chaos. Ignore myths and debt settlement scams and consult a qualified RI bankruptcy lawyer.
RI Bankruptcy Filing: Can’t I Just Keep One Credit Card?
RI Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers must list everyone they owe money to, including all credit cards with a balance and friends or family members.
Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rhode Island: Not A Moral Issue
Too much debt forces many to file bankruptcy. RI bankruptcy lawyer Mark Buckley explains why people file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief.
Bankruptcy Lawyer’s Advice on Reaffirmation Agreements
RI bankruptcy lawyer explains reaffirmation agreements and how to protect property in a Chapter 7 bankrutpcy without becoming personally liable.
RI Bankruptcy Law:Preparing to File a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Preparing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Rhode Island? Here is some practical advice to avoid future complications with your bankruptcy case.